Photo by Carolyn Marut
Photo by Carolyn Marut
Photo by Carolyn Marut
The Save Station (2013)
Branden and his friend Franco Brockelman approached him one day and wanted to work with him to bring an idea of his to life. The idea was a real-life save station, like from video games.
The idea sprang from Franco's realization that there's a there's a whole set of mental states around save points in video games. Before you find a save point you're often anxious, while immediately after you save you feel particularly free and brave. He wanted to extract that freeing feeling from the land of pixels and bring it to real people!
The Save Station is a glowing octagonal platform that gently breathes light inviting people to step on it. Once they do it tells them instructions and goes through a seriously of colorful patterns and sound effects. When it's done it tells people that their "game is saved" and they are now free to explore the world safe in the fact that they can always return.